Hire our standard outfits from our own stock of beautiful tartans (Silver Granite, Hebridean Glisk, Ochil Mist, Eternity, Arrochar Navy Check, Weathered MacKeznie, Hebridean Heather and Hebridean Black Watch)
If you are looking to hire a tartan of your choice (not our own hire kilts or trousers), why not hire ‘Any Tartan’ and possibly compliment with our own stocked tartans to dress your ideal groomsmen party!
Our standard hire is four days (small additional costs for extra days). Hiring for 7 days or more?…Make sure you ask us about our 7 day and 14 day offers!
Don’t need the full outfit? Not a problem, we offer a top half hire (Jacket, waistcoat and neckware) and a bottom half hire (kilt, sporran, kilt pin, socks, flashes and brogues)
Our kilt outfit hire range is available from around 18 months upwards, however the range doesn’t stop at just standard adult (male and female) and boys outfits. We can offer hire on infant velcro kilts in matching tartans for ages around 9 to 18 months (kilt only) and have the ability to match a boys plaid to the adult plaid.
We only have adult sizes in our trouser outfit.
If you are planning a humanist ceremony and you want a handfasting to match your tartan, then that is not a problem for us, just let us know.
Our Hire range does not include a shirt.